Friday 30 January 2015

Things I've learnt........get on the dance floor biatch!!


Some shit I've learnt over the years.

Ok so I've done a lot of stuff, been through lots of shit, met a ton of folks.
Here's some end of week take aways to think on over the weekend.

Follow your passions in life, do what's fun, don't go where you think the money is if it doesn't make you jump out of bed in the morning.
Just do it, take opportunities, opportunity can't jive with you bitch if you ain't gotten on the dance floor.......oh n wear your best dancing skirt, don't save that shit for best. yourself, your ideas, your highest intentions.
Challenge yourself, scared? .......good.
Put a sofa in the kitchen n hang out there near the kettle n food.
I've had the big house, the convertible, the outward signs of success n I wanted to run away cos the fundamentals weren't in place.......I wasn't doing what made me happy and I wasn't surrounded by other happy souls who wanted the best for me.
I've worked for the mega rich, don't make you happy man.......not if the relationships around you ain't rockin your world.
Communicate, collaborate, communicate, repeat.........
Get creative uplifting passionate hi vibe folks on board.
Learn, take notes, listen, be a lifelong learner.
The speed at which the world is evolving is mega warp speed......what you learnt is outdated gotta get ahead of the curve n get learning something new every day.
Do good, be kind, give back, pay it forward.
Have a miracle morning routine........visualise, affirm, read, meditate, exercise, write.
Keep a journal or day book.
Schedule,fun, time with loved ones.
There's no quick fix in the work. Work to get the things that bring success.......take the stairs, don't be an elevator rider........success is rented and the rents due daily!!
Don't grasp n hoard.......pass knowledge on to others.
Wake up excited and go to bed content.
Discover your unique gifts and be your own superhero!!!!
Get your glitterknickers on girl.........yo here for a short time not a long time.
If all else fails, go put the kettle on, phone your mum, a friend, stroke the dog.
Go donate something to the soup kitchen or the dog pound......not the charity shop that is faceless......go where you can see people or animals having a harder time than you and get some perspective FFs. Xxxxx
Now go have a good weekend.

Friday 23 January 2015

Thursday 22 January 2015

I'm wonder struck blushing all the way home.............

Blush, mauve, pink, grey, Marie Antoinette, macaroons............doves
It can strike anywhere , anyhow.
Are you open to it?
Do things move you?
A flaky wall, a tree bark, a dogs fur, a piece of cloth?
Get inspired today, see things differently.
I chose a relaxed calm hue of blush today as a theme.
I hope the images give you happiness and also give you renewed hope that you can become inspired by anything and everything.
Look to nature, fashion, art, urban space..........become an alien viewing it all for the first time.
Imagine that?
Happy Thursday everyone .................may you blush with excitement and may your world be pinky hued like the colour of marshmallows, love and flamingo wings.

Xxxxxxx darcey xxx

Monday 19 January 2015

Magpies nest.......the art of putting stuff together in a way that looks undone x

Hello todays  post is about pretty and imaginative ways to display your finds. If you love fleamarkets, charity shops, thrift, have a magpie's eye then it's easy for spaces to become cluttered. 
Here are some cool ways to group, display and style eclectic groupings of objects and textiles.
Patch working hankies, scarves and random fabrics to form room dividers, curtains and bedding is fabulous. Layering pieces or grouping lots of like tones, types of object or prints is also lovely.
Make an art installation from tins, prints, coat hangers, antlers, anything.......
Cover furniture in pretty mismatched florals or geometrics, tile a wall with random printed tiles, make a wall of old sepia photographs. Pile things such as books, suitcases, trunks. 
I'm definitely at the eccentric end when it comes to displaying my found treasure.......I hope this gives you some good ideas and inspiration. Xx

Sunday 18 January 2015

Speak to your listens xx

Welcome to Sunday school here on add more lipstick and attack
Sunday's are a tad woowoo, a smidgen spiritual, a navel gazing hippy trip if you like.
I think we can be into lifestyle and love and borderline tree huggy n that's ok.
So today's post is about self love and the heart.
Every day I try listen to something inspirational, be that spirit based, business, life coaching, ted talks, podcasts , you tube etc etc
Today I listened to Mastin Kipp of the daily discussing heart therapy and I know it's fairly out there but I loved it.
We spent a lot of time listening to our busy minds........minds are great but our heart often knows us best.
Try talking to your heart and be open to what you feel, hear, sense.
Take a few deep breaths, centre yourself in a quiet place, get relaxed, tune in.
Ask your heart questions.
Place your hands over your heart and close your eyes.
Don't judge. You may hear a voice inside, see an image, get a sensation.
Ask your heart out loud ie "heart, do you know what's best for me?"
"Heart, is it possible that you are a higher power resident within me?"
Keep going for a few minutes and ask your heart what you need to know.
If your mind chimes in with chatter, just notice it and don't judge, let it go.
Try this and see if it resonates with you. See if you get ant clarity, inner wisdom or if anything comes up for you.
Check out Mastin Kipp and or super soul Sunday on or watch the clip on you tube of Mastin talking about heart therapy to Kate Northrup xxxx 
Sometimes a little woowoo is just what a girl needs to show herself she is listening to her inner guidance, that she trusts herself and values what her deepest desires may be.

Friday 16 January 2015

Personality and jewellery will conquer anything...........and the priveledge of ageing.

Its almost the weekend........for my fist blog post here in 2015 on my new blog......Add more lipstick and attack.......i felt an upbeat, uplifting take on style, confidence and fashion .........but its not really......its about loving yourself, accepting, knowing yourself, taking risks, showing up, being visible, being seen. 
Allowing others to see the real you, being proud of your age.......or your experiences.......its not really a post about age, society or eccentricity. What do you see in these fierce, amazing images of women rocking their thing? Just age, just creativity? I see so much more. I also think its not applicable just to ageing women. Its applicable to anyone of any age who is maybe struggling with the face they put out to the world, the way they feel about themselves. 
I hope they make you feel inspired to add a bit more colour, jewellery, attitude, you~ ness to the show this weekend and beyond.
Dont be defined by others and especially not by your own walls and boundaries that you create around yourself.
 More is more.......less is a bore!
 Dont wear beige it might kill you........dont care what others think........maybe care about what likeminded people you trust think ( a bit ) but then just go with what makes your soul sing. 
Beige can be good if beige rocks your world.... Just dont bring the beige attitude .......lets all bring some zing. 
Happy weekend. Darcey xx